Omega Optics is developing an antenna coupled electromagnetic wave sensor based on an electro-optic (EO) polymer refilled slot photonic crystal waveguide (sPCW). By combining the best features of large r33 electro-optic polymers (~4-5X enhancement over LiNbO3) and slow-light enhanced light-matter interaction in silicon slot photonic crystal waveguides (~200-300X enhancement), ultra-compact (<300um), sub-volt (Vπ ~ 0.97V), high-frequency (>40GHz) operation devices are developed. We have demonstrated a broadband, power-efficient, low-dispersion, and compact optical modulator based on an EO polymer filled silicon slot PCW. A small voltage-length product of Vπ×L=0.282V×mm is achieved, corresponding to an unprecedented record-high effective in-device EO coefficient (r33) of 1230pm/V. Assisted by a backside gate voltage, the modulation response up to 50GHz is observed, with a 3-dB bandwidth of 15GHz. By integrating a broadband bowtie antenna, sensing of electromagnetic field at 8.4 GHz is experimentally demonstrated, with a minimum detectable electromagnetic power density of 8.4 mW per sq.m, corresponding to a minimum detectable electric field of 2.5 V per m. We develop and deliver packaged, fiber-pigtailed sensing components to suit your needs. Please contact us for a quote.